
Proposition 47 Criminal Sentences Misdemeanor Penalties Initiative Statute

mentioned in 1 posts


Scorecard Average: 55

Drug Treatment Participation

Significantly worsened

Based on 1 votes

25.00%1 votes for "Worsened" or "Greatly Worsened"

Open Air Drug Use


Based on 1 votes

50.00%0 votes for "Worsened" or "Greatly Worsened"

Public Spaces Cleanliness

Greatly improved

Based on 1 votes

75.00%1 votes for "Improved" or "Greatly Improved"

Small Business Environment Favorability


Based on 0 votes

50.00%0 votes for "Worsened" or "Greatly Worsened"

Total Drug Addiction

Greatly improved

Based on 1 votes

75.00%1 votes for "Improved" or "Greatly Improved"

Mentioned in 1 posts

Bill Melugin

Bill Melugin

Fox 11 Los Angeles

Friday, Feb 7, 2020

Prop 47 co-author George Gascon doubles down on controversial legislation live on FOX 11

  • Proposition 47 is a California ballot measure that changed the classification of some nonviolent property and drug offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. It also increased the threshold for theft misdemeanors from $450 to $950.
  • Critics argue that Proposition 47 led to an increase in total drug use, open air drug use, a decrease in drug court participation, and an increase in property crime.
  • George Gascon, the District Attorney of Los Angeles county and co-author of Prop 47, maintains his support for the proposition. He believes that it has successfully redirected resources to drug addiction treatment instead of imprisonment.

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