Amy Coney Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett

mentioned in 1 posts


Scorecard Average: 50

Equality of Opportunity


Based on 0 votes

50.00%0 votes for "Worsened" or "Greatly Worsened"

Equality of Outcome


Based on 0 votes

50.00%0 votes for "Worsened" or "Greatly Worsened"

Mentioned in 1 posts


Wednesday, Nov 2, 2022

Amy Coney Barrett: ‘This Is Not A Question About Harvard’s History Of Anti-Semitism, But..’

  • Amy Coney Barrett asked the Harvard lawyer if Harvard University considers race as a factor for admissions. The lawyer confirmed that they do.
  • Comment by @albatross5466, “If they are ‘supremely qualified’ why aren’t they just admitted on merit?”
  • The attorney representing Harvard highlights the importance of having a diverse student body in enhancing the educational experience of admitted students.

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